[nycphp-talk] PHPLdapAdmin

Joshua S. Freeman jfreeman at
Thu Nov 18 11:45:31 EST 2004

Anyone using this application?

Anyone here have good LDAP - fu?

We have a middle - low tier HR application called AbraHR.  It is not
LDAP-compliant.  It *can* output a .csv file for all 500+ employees with
this information:

p_nickname = (first name)
p_lname =  (last name)
p_busext = (4 digit extension)
_level1 =   (primary department_name (i.e. Horticulture))
_level2 =   (secondary departmental_name (i.e. Groundskeeping))
p_supervis =  (supervisor's name)
p_jobtitle = title 
p_empemail = email

Now, I did an ldif export of my record in the LDAP database:

# Entry 1: cn=Freeman Joshua,ou=People,dc=digir,dc=nybg,dc=org
dn:cn=Freeman Joshua,ou=People,dc=digir,dc=nybg,dc=org
cn: Freeman Joshua
givenName: Joshua
sn: Freeman
o: Information Technology
l: Bronx
postalCode: 10458
street: 200th St. & Kazimiroff Blvd.
telephoneNumber: 718 817 8937
mail: jfreeman at
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
facsimileTelephoneNumber: 718 817 8537
uid: jfreeman
title: Director of Information Technology

I'd like some idea of how to add information that exists in AbraHR to the
LDAP schema.. If I can add supervisor name and dept. 1, dept. 2 to the LDAP
schema, then I should also be able to use PHP regex (or something...dare I
say 'PERL' on this list?) to convert the .csv file to usable LDIF records
that I can import into the LDAP database.

Any help with this little exercise greatly appreciated.




COMPUTER HELPDESK (when inside the Garden):
Joshua S. Freeman
Dir. of Information Technology
New York Botanical Garden
v: 718 817 8937  m: 347 392 2560

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