[nycphp-talk] Regex & Delimiter Trouble

Dan Cech dcech at
Fri Nov 19 16:30:05 EST 2004

Use single quotes, the $ is screwing up the regex.

$pattern = '/^quantity[1-9][0-9]{0,2}$/';


Daniel J Cain Jr. wrote:
> Given this script:
> <?php
> $pattern = "/^quantity[1-9][0-9]{0,2}$/";
> $haystack = "quantity11";
> echo (preg_match($haystack, $pattern)) ? 'We got one!': 'DOH!', "\n";
> ?>
> I hope to match quantity1 ... quantity999, but PHP5 on Mac OS X outputs 
> the following from the CLI:
> Warning: preg_match(): Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash 
> in /Users/djcain/regex on line 4
> DOH!
> I've been trying to get around the issue for quite some time now and I 
> think I'm unable to see the forest through the trees :)
> The warning seems pretty straightforward but for the life of me I'm 
> unable to grasp what it want's for the delimiter.  Anyone out there 
> dealt with this issue before, or see the problem that I apparently do not?
> -dan
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> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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