[nycphp-talk] cheap php hosts?

DarkWulf darkwulf at
Mon Nov 29 22:01:41 EST 2004

I host a few smaller sites at

I like them because they have always struck me as very honest people, 
and surprisingly un-bottom-line orientated. You pay for the hard drive 
space and bandwidth you use, and thats about it. ($0.02/day for hosting 
a domain, $0.01/month/megabyte for storage, $1.00/gigabyte for bandwidth)

Strong caveat is that you really do have to know what you're doing. 
Their control panel is sometimes confusing. There is no support for "my 
script doesn't work" and so on and so forth.

Rahmin Pavlovic wrote:

>Sorry if this has been posted before -
>A friend of mine -- not exactly a client, but someone I work with in the music biz -- is looking for a cheap hosting solution.
>He asked me about this $19.95/yr package at, which I'm about to shoot down for a number of reasons, but I'm
>wondering what cheapo php solutions I can offer as an alternative.
>It doesn't have to be twenty-bucks-a-year cheap, and he really doesn't need a 'website building tool', but I want to offer
>something that's clearly better than
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