[nycphp-talk] Returning from Includes

Jose Villegas jv_nyphp at
Sat Oct 2 03:21:13 EDT 2004

Why don't you check for the user id before you include the file?

if ("ManageUser" == $go)
     if (!empty($UserID)) include(go.ManageUser);
     else echo('User ID is missing');

Otherwise I sometimes make includes into functions. This allows me to 
break from the code at certain points as well as keep track of 

function largeIncludedProcess()
     global $action;
     global $UserID;

     code, code, code

     $GLOBALS['result1'] = $result1;
     $GLOBALS['result2'] = $result2;


On Oct 2, 2004, at 2:34 AM, Matt Juszczak wrote:

> Hey all,
> Just had a quick question.  I've got a system that currently runs that 
> has a basic module file (module.main) which includes a couple files...
> header.html, footer.html, and the current module file .... go.none is 
> included if $go is NULL, action.none is included if $action is NULL 
> .... if action is UpdateUserInfo and go is ManageUser then 
> action.UpdateUserInfo and go.ManageUser is included ... and so on and 
> so forth.
> go.* is the text displayed to the screen and UpdateUserInfo is the 
> include of the action that does updating, deleting, etc....
> It all works great, except for when someone modifies the URL ... for 
> instance, changing go from NULL to go equals "ManageUser" .... 
> go.ManageUser requires a userID, which is hard to check for in 
> go.ManageUser because it pushes all the code in ....
> for instance:
> File go.ManageUser
> if (!empty($UserID))
> {
> 	echo "missing";
> }
> else
> {
> 	// 100 lines of code here ... indented... :-(
> }
> I could do something else like
> if (!empty($UserID))
> 	$errors = "Missing file";
> if (empty($errors))
> {
> 	// 100 lines of code here
> }
> but that still does the indent ... so what i want to do is this:
> if (empty($errors))
> {
> 	return; // return from the include
> }
> //rest of code here
> I can't do an exit; because then it won't go back to the main "module" 
> file and print footer.html, so the page will look messed up.  Will 
> that single return work though?  What if I wanted to do multiple 
> layers?  I've tried this and I can't seem to get it working like i 
> want it to.  Is there a better way?
> Thanks :)
> -Matt
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