[nycphp-talk] connecting objects and relations

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Oct 2 20:27:57 EDT 2004

Thought this would spice things up on the list ;-)

Years ago, I asked a perl guru friend of mine what he used to connect
application objects and relational data.  Certain he would provide
insight, he replied that there was nothing to use, and he built his
own stuff for each and every project.

That did provide insight - that there was no easy solution ;-)

I then spent several years in Zopeland, living with this frightening
thing called Zope Object DataBase (ZODB).  Not mapping to relations,
this was a true object database.  This was really great, until you
needed to access it from outside Zope however...

I've just been pointed at Propel:

Instead of a pure relational or object environment, Propel takes PHP
(5) objects and maps them to a relational schema.  This concept was
brought over from Java, and similar exist for just about all the other
application languages - so it is not a surprise to be coming to PHP.

Anyone at NYPHP have experience with this strange yet beautiful
environment?  Ease of use?  Performance?

-- Mitch, returning victorious from the pumpkin patch, thinking about soup

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