[nycphp-talk] connecting objects and relations

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Mon Oct 4 20:47:09 EDT 2004

> > Instead of a pure relational or object environment, Propel takes PHP
> > (5) objects and maps them to a relational schema.  This concept was
> > brought over from Java, and similar exist for just about all the other
> > application languages - so it is not a surprise to be coming to PHP.
> >
> > Anyone at NYPHP have experience with this strange yet beautiful
> > environment?  Ease of use?  Performance?
> Those who know me will expect this response:  I don't think it makes
> sense :)
> Not too mention a performance hit, the relational and objective models
> don't mesh well in my opinion - they are really different animals.

I absolutely agree. I've put quite a bit of time and thought into advanced
sql generators and object oriented database... er... gateways, wrappers,

It all actually works really well for the basics.  The moment you get into
joins, relationships and complex criteria, things get mushy.  The objects
become obstacles and you find yourself writing pseudo sql in 8 functions
instead of a single sql sentence.

Sql is very powerful and has been around for quite some time because as ugly
as some may feel it is, it does the job well.

Nonetheless, propel seems to be very clean and well written, and I've been
reading good things about it on forums and lists for a couple months now.

Good luck!


(I'd be in hell had there been no wifi here)

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