[nycphp-talk] [OT] News Server Storage Space

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Wed Oct 6 15:27:09 EDT 2004

Anyone here have any experience with news servers and storage space?

i am thinking of setting up a server that will run a news server and
another on the same network that will host a website that will allow
people to read/post newsgroup messages.  I thought about scratching
out the idea of running a news server but after playing with php and
noticing how long it would take for php to query the remote news
server and update all of the messages i dont think it can be done
logically with php.

I am talking about having 1 server but maybe upwards of 10,000 groups
that could have upwards of 1 million messages each so retrieving them
with php would take forever, i have also thought of making a c/c++
program to run on a cron to update the database with the new messages
on the server but that would lead to a lot of space needed.

I guess my question is, how much storage space do you think i would
need to do this? i hate to have to duplicate messages etc... by
storing them on yet another news server but i dont think there is a
way around this without it taking forever to get the messages.

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
codebowl at

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