[nycphp-talk] [OT] News Server Storage Space

ophir prusak lists at
Wed Oct 6 22:33:08 EDT 2004

That really depends on what you consider "a useful collection".
I worked at an ISP a while back and the newgroups servers were real 
monsters, not to mention bandwidth which was enormous.
I don't remember the exact numbers but I do remember that the sys admins 
were constantly discussing how much to keep, what groups and how far 
back, because of bandwidth and storage usage.

If you just want to keep just comp.lang.php you'll be fine.
If you want to keep alt.*   .... well, you get the picture.

Ophir Prusak

csnyder wrote:

>There is a USENET HowTo out there that tells you exactly what you need
>and how to go about setting it up.
>If I remember correctly, it also cautions that only large ISPs have
>the bandwidth and storage to handle a useful collection of newsgroups,
>but I suspect that was just there to scare off the hobbyists.
>New York PHP Talk
>Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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