[nycphp-talk] simple problem with sessions

ophir prusak lists at
Sat Oct 9 10:48:08 EDT 2004

At the risk of this being a security issue, can you create a simple page 
with <? phpinfo() ?> so we can see all of the server settings ?

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

>Crap.  So much for low-lying fruit!
>Hmm, can you tell us what all of your session_* settings are?
>Also, some hosting companies can use some pretty strict settings for
>shared servers.  I would look into any docs/lists from your host to
>see if they may be restricting your PHP configuration.
>On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 22:19:53 -0400, Aaron Fischer
><agfische at> wrote:
>>Sorry, that's a typo, it is indeed set to /tmp.
>New York PHP Talk
>Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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