[nycphp-talk] simple problem with sessions

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Sun Oct 10 10:41:28 EDT 2004

This would seem to bring us back to a browser-specific issue.


Chris Shiflett wrote:
> --- Jeff Siegel <> wrote:
>>But wouldn't it be the case that the user has already been
>>redirected to a different page before the script has terminated?
>>That is, when the code is:
>>header('Location: otherpage.php');
> Nope, because until the script terminates, no response is sent. The
> header() function only sets an HTTP header within the response, although
> Location is a special header in which case PHP also changes the response
> status code.
> The browser requests the new URL (which should be specified in the
> Location header using an absolute URL) once it receives the response, but
> prior to that, it has no idea that it's coming.
> So, I've been wondering if this suggestion to use session_write_close()
> came about because of this misunderstanding about how the header()
> function works or something. That's my only guess, unless there is a
> special case that I'm unaware of.
> Chris
> =====
> Chris Shiflett -
> PHP Security - O'Reilly     HTTP Developer's Handbook - Sams
> Coming December 2004
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> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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