[nycphp-talk] Multi-Inheritance in PHP 5

Tim Gales tgales at
Sun Oct 10 17:26:34 EDT 2004

Chris Snyder writes: 

> That said, here's a demo of how to accomplish a limited 
> multiple inheritance using the ClassKit extension:
> <?php
> class lucy {
>   public $isLucy = TRUE;
> }
> class charlie extends lucy {
>   public $isCharlie = "Good grief!";
> }
> class football {
>   function kickBall() {
>     if ( isset( $this->isLucy ) ) print "You missed!";
>     else print "Good kick!";
>   }
> }
> // give charlie the football
> classkit_method_copy ( "charlie", "kickBall", "football" );
> // charlie now extends lucy AND football
> $chuck = new charlie;
> print $chuck->kickBall();
> ?>
> Verified using PHP 5.0.1 on OSX. 

What output did you get?

This looks to me like you have dynamically 
implemented an interface -- and so have 
gained only what interfaces give you. 

Something which could have been written like:

interface IkickBall
  public function kickBall();

class charlie extends lucy 
      implements IkickBall { 

  public $isCharlie = "Good grief!";

  function kickBall() {
    if ( isset( $this->isLucy ) ) print "You missed!";
    else print "Good kick!";


(I could very easily be missing the point here)

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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