[nycphp-talk] Marco Tabini needs case studies for marketing PHP

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Tue Oct 12 22:13:12 EDT 2004

I know this isn't necessarily technical, but I figure pushing php benefits
us all.

"    *  The basic idea is to build a war chest of marketing and business
resources that insiders and independent consultants can use to promote the
introduction and use of PHP in a company-be it large, medium or small.
    * I am interested in case studies that showcase how PHP solves problems,
lower costs of implementation and ownership and lives within the enterprise
    * I am particularly interested in how PHP was adopted and why,
especially if the company has a long tradition of taking advantage of
commercial software.
    * Do remember that these are marketing documents, not technical ones. As
such, you must be ready to write from a marketing and business point of
view, rather than a technical one.
    * Studies that showcase a particular product that your company
implements are ok, under two conditions: (1) the case study must focus on
the benefits of PHP, and not only your application and (2) your application
must be connected (as in "written in" or "written for") PHP."


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