[nycphp-talk] Billing/Support/Trouble Tickets

Matt Juszczak matt at
Thu Oct 14 03:32:34 EDT 2004

Maybe it could even turn into an OS online service.

Joseph Crawford wrote:

>maybe this could be turned into a project :) i know that when i finish
>the code archive for NYPHP i would be willing to help out.  I also
>thought of writing my own web based thing like quickbooks but i am not
>that great with javascript LOL
>i love how quickbooks has thier online edition but if i we could
>develop something along the lines of that obviously not as feature
>rich at the start i'm game ;)
>On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 10:21:44 -0400, Mark Armendariz <nyphp at> wrote:
>>I've been wanting to write my own for quite some time now (as is the case
>>for this stack of personal projects toppling over my desk).

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