[nycphp-talk] xml editors

David Sklar david.sklar at
Fri Oct 15 10:35:27 EDT 2004

xml-mode in emacs/Xemacs has syntax highlighting, tag matching,
well-formedness-checking, and various context-sensitive tag
insert/modify/etc operations. Plus, if you're a pidgin elisp speaker
like me, you can limp along enough to write some small functions that
do common tasks like insert frequent tag sequences.

There's no built-in schema validation (only DTDs) but there may be a
package floating around on the Internets to do i -- I haven't checked
in a while.


On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 22:21:10 -0600, John Lacey <jlacey at> wrote:
> Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> > I know of no FOSS editors, but XMLMind is very nice.  We are using it
> > for the new batch of documentation for Mambo, and it is usable by
> > non-programmers as well ;-)
> >
> > If all you want is syntax highlighting, then most of the IDEs and
> > editors out there will do as well.
> right... ultraedit, which I use to non-program, has it
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