[nycphp-talk] xml editors

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Oct 15 13:26:01 EDT 2004

Daniel Krook |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>>I need to do some xml work next week and was wondering if anyone had 
>>recommendations/experience with xml editors.
>If you're only going to need an XML editor for a short project of less 
>than 30 days, you might want to look at the trial of XMLSpy, which is 
>fully functional for that period:

I used XMLSpy about 2 years ago, and it was well advanced from the other 
choices... truly an XML-centric tool as opposed to "an editor that can 
be used for XML"... once I was knee-deep into the  DTD management and 
nitty-gritty that comes well after  you get started, XMLSpy proved to be 
a power tool.

-=john andrews

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