[nycphp-talk] [ PHP-GTK ] - Button Callbacks Not Working

Scott Mattocks scott at
Tue Oct 19 08:34:25 EDT 2004

Somebody seems to think IRC has a place with PHP though.

I found this little note on threads with PHP but I can't find the PECL 
package that Zeev is talking about.

"We don't plan to add threading support to PHP at this point. The focus 
of PHP remains dynamic web pages. Several people have experimented with 
adding threading support for PHP - you can test it yourself by trying 
PECL/threads (experimental)."

Scott Mattocks

Joseph Crawford wrote:
> Scott,
> it doesnt look like an IRC client can be made in PHP :(
> this is from the phIg project
> This was more a failed experiment thn anything else. PHP does not
> support multi-threading, and as such...the client had some major
> flaws. The project has been discontinued. Feel free to learn from the
> source though.

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