[nycphp-talk] Automatically create an object from a form

Christopher Merlo cmerlo441 at
Tue Oct 19 12:43:15 EDT 2004

Thanks, all, for the advice so far.

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 12:17:17 -0400, Dan Cech <dcech at> wrote:

> I guess we need to know more about exactly what functionality you're
> trying to achieve to be able to give you any more meaningful advice.

Fair enough.  I created a calendar-type class in PHP, where certain
dates become links based on a parameter to the constructor.  Which
dates become links is based on data in the DB -- I pass in a course,
and it highlights the days the course meets.

I have a list of this semester's courses in a drop-down.  When I
choose a different course from the drop down, I'd like the linked
dates to change.  (I'm using the links to fill a text field in the
form; that much is working.)  So, instead of displaying 5 calendars,
I'd like to display only one, and have it be pertinent to the selected

I suppose I could re-implement the calendar class in JavaScript, if it
would help.  Would it?  Or can I keep the PHP class?

cmerlo441 at

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