[nycphp-talk] simplexml, gentoo emerge

chris feldmann cfeldmann at
Wed Oct 20 22:44:40 EDT 2004

Last one:
Does anyone actually have php-5 or greater installed with emerge under
gentoo with the simplexml commands working properly?

Thanks to Ajai and Matt: I got emerge to work properly across the
board. But simplexml commands STILL don't work. So I'd like to ask a
different but related question concerning USE flags and ./configure
options. These two sets overlap but don't exhaust each other. Is there
a way pass configuration options to emerge other than with USE flags?
I ask because though simplexml commands are enabled by default, I
notice on phpinfo() that it was configured with --disable-libxml. I'm
wondering if that might be a problem. Note that this was *with* the
xml2 USE flag. But there's no libxml USE flag. So what if I could pass
an explicit --enable-libxml to emerge?

I know simplexml is SUPPOSED to be enabled by default in >=php-5, but
I also wonder if the simplexml USE flag isn't actually being passed
(clues: doesn't show up in phpinfo, etcat-u php returns a list that
*doesn't include simplexml*. Could gentoo actually be using the 4.3.9
USE flags?


On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 12:16:49 -0400, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:
>  chris feldmann wrote: 
>  Yeah, it's masked, and I'm on amd64 architecture FWIW. My emerge command
> (roughly from memory) was $USE="berkdb crypt curl <etc..> xml2 simplexml"
> emerge /usr/portage/dev-php/php/php-5.0.2.ebuild Looking over the replies,
> I'm wondering if my problem is that I need to re-emerge mod_php too? But I
> never did before and php works fine. Thanks for the replies; I'll put the
> ideas to the test when I get back home. 
>  Several things here:
>  Looks like you emerged a masked ebuild (well, its masked for x86 machines -
> not sure if it is for amd64). Also, you don't need to know the full path to
> the ebuild if you set up your Portage files beforehand. Ill describe that
> here:
>  1. Remove the ebuild you installed (emerge -C php and/or emerge -C mod_php)
>  2. Create the /etc/portage/package.keywords file and put in something like:
>      >=dev-php/php-5        ~amd64
>      >=dev-php/mod_php-5    ~amd64
>  This basically says "unmask for amd64 any ebuilds for php and mod_php
> greater than or equal to version 5".
>  Bear in mind that packages are usually masked by the Gentoo developers for
> a reason (caveat emptor and all that). I wouldn't recommend putting ~amd64
> in /etc/make.conf as that will globally unmask all unstable AMD64 packages -
> which wouldn't be great if it emerged a broken system package that hosed
> your machine...
>  3. Create the /etc/portage/package.use file with the USE flags for each
> package.
>  I usually specify all the flags but you dont have to (the defaults will be
> used for flags you haven't specified). To get a list of USE flags for each
> package (so you can cut and paste) do:
>      emerge -pv mod_php
>  It should show you the flags for mod_php *and* all dependencies (including
> php). Set what you need and save the file.
>  4. Now you can emerge the package by simply doing:
>      emerge php
>  Go away and have a coffee while it builds (it might be pretty fast for you
> but I dont have the latest and greatest hardware so Im used to it taking a
> few minutes even on a fastish x86 server).
>  I should also say here that Gentoo uses Apache2 by default (if you didn't
> install it then the emerge will pull it in automatically as a dependency for
> mod_php). It sounds like you have already installed it and configured it to
> use mod_php (the config for the init script should be in
> /etc/conf.d/apache). Personally, I am still using Apache 1.x (I permanently
> masked out Apache2 by adding an line in /etc/portage/package.mask).
>  Hopefully these instructions will help you install packages the "correct"
> way and help you understand Portage better.
>  Resources:
>  Portage Intro
> <>
>  USE Flags
> <>
>  p.s. The gentoo-user mailing list is a very friendly place for help with
> general issues (Im active there too) and there's a gentoo-amd64 mailing list
> you might want to check (see Also,
> dont forget the great Gentoo forums at
>  -- Aj. Systems Administrator / Developer 
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