[nycphp-talk] simplexml, gentoo emerge

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Thu Oct 21 10:29:34 EDT 2004

chris feldmann wrote:

>Thanks to Ajai and Matt: I got emerge to work properly across the
>board. But simplexml commands STILL don't work. So I'd like to ask a
>different but related question concerning USE flags and ./configure
>options. These two sets overlap but don't exhaust each other. Is there
>a way pass configuration options to emerge other than with USE flags?
Yes there is (though if you set up the /etc/portage files correctly you 
shouldn't need to).

But for future reference you do it like this:

Set a variable called *EXTRA_ECONF* before you do the emerge, i.e.:

*EXTRA_ECONF="--with-simplexml" emerge php*

Note that doing it this way is not persistent so if you ever do any 
upgrades you will have to manually set this up again.

>I ask because though simplexml commands are enabled by default, I
>notice on phpinfo() that it was configured with --disable-libxml. I'm
>wondering if that might be a problem. Note that this was *with* the
>xml2 USE flag. But there's no libxml USE flag. So what if I could pass
>an explicit --enable-libxml to emerge?
>I know simplexml is SUPPOSED to be enabled by default in >=php-5, but
Actually, looking at the USE flags for PHP5 I see it *off* by default:

*[ebuild  N    ] dev-php/mod_php-5.0.2  -adabas -apache2 -bcmath +berkdb 
-birdstep -bzlib -calendar -cdb -cpdflib +crypt -ctype -curl 
-curlwrappers -db2 -dba -dbase -dbm -dbmaker -dbx -debug -debug -dio 
-empress -empress-bcs -esoob -exif -fam -fdftk -filepro -flatfile 
-frontbase -ftp -gd -gd-external +gdbm -gmp -hyperwave-api -iconv -imap 
-informix -ingres -inifile -interbase -iodbc +jpeg -ldap -libedit -mcve 
-memlimit -mhash -mime -ming -mnogosearch -msession -msql -mssql +mysql 
-mysqli +ncurses -nis +nls -oci8 -odbc -oracle7 -ovrimos -pcntl -pcre 
-pfpro +png -posix -postgres -qdbm +readline -recode -sapdb -sasl 
-session -shared -shared -sharedmem _-simplexml_ -snmp -soap -sockets 
-solid +spell -spl -sqlite +ssl -sybase -sybase-ct -sysvipc -tidy -tiff 
-tokenizer +truetype -wddx +xml2 -xmlrpc -xpm -xsl +zlib  4,470 kB

*Note also that sessions are switched off by default in PHP5 too.

>I also wonder if the simplexml USE flag isn't actually being passed
>(clues: doesn't show up in phpinfo, etcat-u php returns a list that
>*doesn't include simplexml*. Could gentoo actually be using the 4.3.9
>USE flags?
I have tested this on a spare machine: setting up the package.keywords 
file on my machine I was able to run emere -pv php and see the resulting 
flags - the USE flags for PHP5 are different to PHP4 (there are much 
more flags!). There is no xml USE flag presumably because the xml2 
library supercedes it so there is an xml2 flag instead.

Systems Administrator / Developer

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