[nycphp-talk] Idea for PHP site (series of articles)

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Wed Oct 27 10:03:22 EDT 2004

Michael wrote:

>> I know that "really good" isn't well defined but I think you get the 
>> point.
>> I can't help but noticing some of the questions and example code
>> people ask about.
>> For example, I just saw this questions a couple of days ago:

Obviously, this person knows nothing about data structures beyond using 
variables (not to mention many other programming constructs!) and is 
probably sick of answering questions like "why did you write it this 
way?". As John already hinted at, the example cited is not a good 
example because that person hasn't got past the basics yet...

Dont get me wrong, I think something along the line of PHP "best 
practices" would be quite useful.

Systems Administrator / Developer

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