[nycphp-talk] escaping % and _ in a MySQL query

David Mintz dmintz at
Sat Oct 30 23:35:01 EDT 2004

Suppose you have a form with a textfield for people to enter a string to
search for in your database, and you don't want people using % or _ unless
they mean it literally. This is kind of ugly:

$input =  preg_replace('/(%|_)/',"\\\\$1",$input);
$input = mysql_escape_string($input);

Is this more or less what you should do, or is there a classier solution
that I'm overlooking?

David Mintz

$world =~ s|<bush[^>]*>.+</bush>||is;
Oh yeah, I could also use help writing a regex to match strings like
"<bush />" but I'm hoping it will be moot by Tuesday.

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