[nycphp-talk] Articles/Code i have Written

Phillip Powell phillip.powell at
Wed Sep 1 12:32:25 EDT 2004

Joseph Crawford wrote:

>Hey everyone,
>i thought i would pass on this information to you guys, if you look
>anything over and i am wrong about anything give a yell and i will
>have it changed ;)  I hope some of this code will help some people.
>PHP5 Paging Object Using Singleton Pattern
>PHP5 And The Singleton Pattern

Can you contact me offline; I'd like to see an example of PHP version 
4.1.2+ and the Singleton Pattern for backwards compatibility.


>PHP5 and __get and __set
>PHP5 Security System
>Dynamic Table Columns
>Add Slashes Recursively
>Array Searching Recursively
>Form Submission Using Array's
>Smarty Introduction
>Coding Criteria: Sloppy VS. Clean
>PHP5: Designing And Using Interfaces
>PHP Classes And Objects: A Guide To Development

Phil Powell
Multimedia Programmer
BPX Technologies, Inc.
#: (703) 709-7218 x107 
Fax: (703) 709-7219


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