[nycphp-talk] [OT] Flash MX<->LAMP<->XML

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Thu Sep 2 12:21:19 EDT 2004

> thank you all.  Are there any user groups / monthly's in NYC 
> for AS2/MX stuff where I can go to annoy people w/ dumb questions?

Here's a few lists:

The flashcoders one is really good, BUT it's high volume.  I only subscribe
when I'm working on a larger flash project, as there's days that you may get
100+ emails in an hour.  Generally, you'll find some gems in all those
emails though.  Good excuse for a gmail account ;). A lot of the people I
mentioned previously are on the list though, and are generally really

There's a few other flash lists on that site that I haven't tried so much,
but I'd imagine would be just as helpful.


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