[nycphp-talk] Re: Fw: PHP form to MS Excel file

Faber Fedor faber at
Wed Sep 8 12:13:45 EDT 2004

On 08/09/04 11:06 -0500, -sry wrote:
> to him. He is not "allowed" FTP access to the site so he
> can't just go get it once it's all written. Oh, and I also had
> suggested he just have their contractor web developer
> output the form data to a flat text file, space or comma
> delimited lines that he could at least import into Excel by
> hand. He'd be happy with that, too, but the boss says 
> that also is "not possible." Kinda funny boss, huh?

Of course it's possible.  Jeff Siegel posted pseudo-code to me (on this
list) just last night on how to do it!  Of course, you're going to need a
database back end to store all of the entries.

If someone knows how to generat and Excel file, though, I'd be
interested in eharing how.


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