Re: [nycphp-talk] OT (WAY!! ot) ever seen a custom keyboard for coders?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Sep 10 16:53:01 EDT 2004

joshmccormack at wrote:

>This looney genius dude did some physical keyboard modding:

Any British ex-pats on this list?

Anyone here remember the microwriter one-handed keyboard from the 70s? 
Basically all the symbols were represented by just 5 or 6 keys that you 
pressed in various combinations with one hand (apparently, once you got 
past the learning curve you could type at "stenographer speed"). There 
is a modern day version still available:


Most susequent chorded keyboards were based on similar ideas.

And there was even a PDA based on it on the UK which won a design award 
in 1990:

(Note five keys in a paw shape around the regular keyboard)

Then there's wacky modern stuff like this:

Mad dogs and Englishman as they say...

Systems Administrator / Developer

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