[nycphp-talk] POST-ing credit card

Shai G Chen sgchen at
Sun Sep 12 12:08:19 EDT 2004

I have been creating a credit card validation module for a client.  I was 
wondering if you can force a POST method within a page.  The client does not 
want the customer to leave their website, but wants to validate and credit 
the credit card.  I worked with another system awhile ago where I can create 
a XML file and send it to the getway and return a SUCCESS or FAIL code, but 
with this new system I'm working with, I can't.  So I was wondering if I can 
collect data on a form and post all the information to a page within the 
website, receiving page will in turn post the information to the getway and 
get a "answer" to the data?

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