[nycphp-talk] [OT -> back on topic] Petty Comments

Joel De Gan joel at
Mon Sep 13 11:48:38 EDT 2004

look away for a few days and the list goes insane..

I posted some code:
This is for a simple templating system I developed for historyagent and
have since modified to use for my work and a couple other places.

In the comments are some benchmarks on eregi_replace and str_replace
which surprised me, I had thought that ereg functions would be faster,
but in this case, they are are far from it.

-joeldg (who is not advertising 'free' gmail accounts, and already has

On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 05:56, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> As for quality of posts, you're welcome to add a filter that discards
> messages from my email address. If I felt there were others who shared
> your opinion, I wouldn't bother answering questions or participating in
> discussions, but hopefully that's not the case.
> > I guess I just don't "get it" so I will stop now.
> Thanks.
> Chris

joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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