[nycphp-talk] gmail

Christopher Hendry chendry at
Wed Sep 15 00:58:14 EDT 2004

On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 23:23:35 -0700 (PDT), Chris Shiflett
<shiflett at> wrote:

> Just in case you think I'm wacky, that's at least a bit of my reasoning.
> :-)

Nah, don't think you're whacky - in fact, front-end is what got me
into coding - I've always been looking for ways to improve the client
side, and I agree with you that it is happening (as more browsers
become complaint, etc)...Flash too has always offered some interesting
options, though I've run into some nastiness when using it, I'll have
to check out this Flickr, of which you speak.

In the end, IMHO, if the user experience is good, most people (besides
our kind) simply don't care if the backend works properly (ie, if you
handle your errors well, it don't matter much if the app works right -
keep the flame low).

And of course, the user must feel secure.  ;)


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