[nycphp-talk] this list's digest format

chris feldmann cwf at
Mon Sep 20 02:37:42 EDT 2004

Hi all,
So I have a little PHP mail client I made a while ago, and 
I've configured rules that deal with most MIME 
configurations (for attachments, inline elements, etc.), 
but, ironically, the digest format that this list arrives in 
escapes me. There's a digest that includes the entire raw 
email. Then each message is presented as an rfc822 message 
and then, with another imap decimal part, the text of the 
email is included again. I'm assuming this is following some 
standard that I can mesh with the object returned by 
imap_fetchbody. I'm especially interested in the imap 
decimal part of the standard. How are they assigned?

Actually, I'm mainly interested in talking with someone 
offlist about php imap clients, I guess.


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