[nycphp-talk] client side site updating

George Georgalis george at
Thu Sep 23 12:20:00 EDT 2004

Hi folks,

We've decided to use php at a site I maintain. One of the first tasks
is not too complicated from a programming perspective but we could
prob benefit from features of existing package vs re-inventing the

I'm looking for an app that allows clients (aka IT illiterates) to
update a template based site (https post or form submit) with items
they want to sell. The site should be able manage the number of items
available and forward transaction to third party for processing (paypal
acceptable, need processor that charges per transaction not per
month, or nominal per month); the client should get notified when the
transaction is completed and optionally when it is started.

About the most basic shopping cart available, with the exception that
our clients will need to update their virtual domains. I suspect
something like with a front end that allows
clients to update vdomain "for sale" content.

Does such an animal exist? Will I need to integrate a few packages, or
roll it all in house?  We are open to contracting someone to do this, a
ttl under 4 weeks would be ideal, and if good fit, ongoing projects are
likely. I've been with the company for well over 2 years -- best I've
ever worked for. Please contact off list for professional inquiries.

These are some sites I'm looking at for resources:

// George

George Georgalis, systems architect, administrator Linux BSD IXOYE cell:646-331-2027 mailto:george at

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