[nycphp-talk] Zends PHP5 Competition: Cheating... No Zend is smarter than that

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Thu Sep 23 14:54:53 EDT 2004

Are they?

you would think they would be seeing how they have a list of top php
mistakes on thier site and they are afterall the creators of php.


try choosing one of the contestants you like, making a note of thier
id and going to this url

keep reloading the page and keep watching that contestant climb the
list until they get to the #1 spot, now be warned when they get close
to the top it will take longer to go up positions because of how many
votes the items have already.

now would zend really rely on this bogus voting system?

if you ask me that is just a POS voting system.

1.) first of all this big bug
2.) contestants can vote for themselves
3.) contestants can vote 1 for all other contestants

several people have stressed how bad this system is to zend they just
dont appear to care

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
codebowl at

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