[nycphp-talk] Releasing Code

Mark Drago markdrago at
Sat Sep 25 01:17:58 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 19:44 -0400, Joseph Crawford wrote:
> have you read the php license? if i am correct that license will allow
> anyone to sell your code without anything you can do, you might want
> to take a look at the GPL or LGPL licenses.  I mean if that is
> something you do not want happening.

This probably won't help the original poster answer any questions, but
your interpretation of the GPL is a little off.  It is perfectly legal
for anyone to take GPLed code and sell it to someone else.  That is, I
can take 'gcc' or 'emacs' or anything else that is GPLed and sell it to
someone if I wanted.  The catch is that when I sell it I have to be give
the customer the source code if they want it, and they can do whatever
they want with it.  Note that this is what Red Hat does with their Red
Hat Enterprise Linux and also the reason that things like White Box
Linux exist [1].


[1] White Box Linux is a linux distribution that is free to download and
is basically Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 built from SRPMs supplied by Red
Hat. --

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