[nycphp-talk] Publishing on the New York PHP website

Hans Zaunere hans at
Sun Sep 26 13:34:56 EDT 2004

> > Daniel [Convissor], if you can get it posted on the NYPHP site i can
> > create a walkthrough for getting this setup not as difficult
> > as i thought it was going to be ;)
> If anyone has some information, which they feel will
> be of general interest or help to the PHP community,
> and they feel it should be published (and here I
> mean in addition to being published in the
> mail list archives), New York PHP has some
> established procedures for accomplishing this.
> If the information covers so much ground
> that it would require a whole new section
> on the website, then it would be a project.
> You should then follow the guidelines for
> submitting a project at:
> If the information is more along the lines of
> a best practice for coding or otherwise using
> PHP (e.g. how to best set PHP ini directives),
> it is more likely to be a candidate for a
> PHundamental article.
> (see: )
> Article ideas, which are candidates for a 'PHundamental',
> can be submitted to Jeff Siegel (jeff.siegel at
> or Michael Southwell (michael.southwell at
> Other information, which serves as a useful
> 'backgrounder', would probably be best published
> as an AMPere.
> (see: )
> You can get in touch with Jasper Lin (jasper.lin at,
> who is the AMPeers Project Manager.
> Actually all these ways to get something published
> are described on the website -- but I thought it
> might be handy to summarize them here.
> One more important thing about contributing to
> New York PHP is that you don't have to be a
> 'ninja master' or a '6th degree black belt' in PHP
> to be able to contribute.

Tim is exactly right.  In fact, new user's articles are very valuable
because they often cover things that more experienced users just take
for granted.  As we all want people to use PHP, the more we cater to new
users, the better.  Everyone is encouraged to participate, and we'll
never say "hey, that's too basic..."  As noted, Jasper is the contact
for this as part of the AMPeers project.

> I wish this fact were more widely known among associate
> members -- I sometimes get the feeling that many
> people are reluctant to offer to help, because
> they feel they haven't yet mastered PHP.
> This is too bad because the fastest way to
> learn something is to work with other people
> who can give you a few 'pointers' -- not slug
> it out by yourself.

Exactly right again...  We're working on getting a submittal form more
visible on the site, and making it trivial for people to
contribute.  Again, anyone is welcome to contribute and help with the
actual coding of the site.  Jasper is doing a great job but I'm sure
another helping hand or two would be appreciated.  Contact Jasper
directly if interested.

Joseph, the Word document looks great.  Be sure to ping Jasper and it
could very likely be the first AMPeers article!


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