[nycphp-talk] Passing Objects Via Session in PHP 4

Dan Cech dcech at
Mon Sep 27 10:23:46 EDT 2004

Hi Joe,

I seem to recall some comment about 'i understand the use of sessions 
thanks' a little while ago, but I'll help you out anyway.

You need to change the second if statement in your getObject function. 
It should read:

function &getObject($class) {
   if (!isset($_SESSION['objects'])) {
     $_SESSION['objects'] = array();

   if (!isset($_SESSION['objects'][$class])) {
     $_SESSION['objects'][$class] =& new $class;

   return $_SESSION['objects'][$class];


Joseph Crawford wrote:
> can anyone explain why this is not working?  i have done passing
> objects via session before and i remember that the object class file
> had to be included before the session_start for it to work, but this
> doesnt seem to be working, i mean i have it set $db->test = 'page 1';
> on page 1 and provide a link to page 2, but it doesnt seem to retain
> the value for $test from page to page. :(
> <?php
> // we will do our own error handling
> error_reporting(0);
> // include the const.php file that holds all the necessary constants
> include_once('const.php');
> include_once('class/mysql.class.php');
> include_once('class/template.class.php');
> session_start();
> function &getObject($class) {
> 	if (!isset($_SESSION['objects'])) {
> 		$_SESSION['objects'] = array();
> 	}
> 	if (!isset($_SESSION['_singleton'][$class])) {
> 		$_SESSION['objects'][$class] =& new $class;
> 	}
> 	return $_SESSION['objects'][$class];
> }
> $tpl = &getObject('template');
> // user defined error handling function
> // taken from the example on
> function myErrorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars)
> {
> 	global $tpl;
> 	// timestamp for the error entry
> 	$dt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s (T)");
> 	// define an assoc array of error string
> 	// in reality the only entries we should
> 	// consider are E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR,
> 	$errortype = array (
> 	E_ERROR          => "Error",
> 	E_WARNING        => "Warning",
> 	E_PARSE          => "Parsing Error",
> 	E_NOTICE          => "Notice",
> 	E_CORE_ERROR      => "Core Error",
> 	E_CORE_WARNING    => "Core Warning",
> 	E_COMPILE_ERROR  => "Compile Error",
> 	E_COMPILE_WARNING => "Compile Warning",
> 	E_USER_ERROR      => "User Error",
> 	E_USER_WARNING    => "User Warning",
> 	E_USER_NOTICE    => "User Notice",
> 	E_STRICT          => "Runtime Notice"
> 	);
> 	// set of errors for which a var trace will be saved
> 	$user_errors = array(E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE);
> 	$err = "<errorentry>\n";
> 	$err .= "\t<datetime>" . $dt . "</datetime>\n";
> 	$err .= "\t<errornum>" . $errno . "</errornum>\n";
> 	$err .= "\t<errortype>" . $errortype[$errno] . "</errortype>\n";
> 	$err .= "\t<errormsg>" . $errmsg . "</errormsg>\n";
> 	$err .= "\t<scriptname>" . $filename . "</scriptname>\n";
> 	$err .= "\t<scriptlinenum>" . $linenum . "</scriptlinenum>\n";
> 	if (in_array($errno, $user_errors)) {
> 		$err .= "\t<vartrace>" . wddx_serialize_value($vars, "Variables") .
> "</vartrace>\n";
> 	}
> 	$err .= "</errorentry>\n\n";
> 	// for testing
> 	// echo $err;
> 	// save to the error log, and e-mail me if there is a critical user error
> 	error_log($err, 3, "D:/htdocs/NYPHPCode/error.log");
> 	if ($errno == E_USER_ERROR) {
> 		mail("jcrawford at", "Critical User Error", $err);
> 		$tpl->display('error.tpl');
> 	}
> }
> $old_error_handler = set_error_handler("myErrorHandler");
> ?>

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