[nycphp-talk] Passing Objects Via Session in PHP 4

Dan Cech dcech at
Mon Sep 27 14:59:20 EDT 2004

Joseph Crawford wrote:
> the sessions seem to carry over now however my resource ID for my
> $db->connection keep changing, i have even altered the open method to
> look like this
> 		if(!$this->connection) {
> 			$conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password);
> 			if(!$conn) trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
> 			else $this->connection = $conn;
> 		}
> any ideas how to keep that from getting a new resource handle but
> rather use the same one?


1. You don't need to manually serialize stuff you put into the session 
through $_SESSION, php automatically serializes and unserializes the 
$_SESSION array for you.

2. You cannot store a resource ID in a session.  The resource ID is 
specific to that particular instance of the script, you will have to 
reopen the database connection for each request.

If you use persistent database connections it *may* still use the same 
connection to the database, but the resource ID will be different.


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