[nycphp-talk] PHP And Search Engines

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed Sep 29 16:31:33 EDT 2004

There's tons of misinformation out there about this. As a technologist, 
your best bet (my best advice) is learn about apache and mod rewrite, 
and learn about search engines and how they work. Then, and only then, 
if mod rewrite looks like a solid solution to your needs, then put it to 

The script kiddie approach is not suitable for search engine work, but 
the web is full of script-kiddie solutions and articles. Most of it is 
garbage IMHO.

I think I am scheduled for the January NYPHP meeting on this very topic....

-=john andrews

PS: search engines already index pages with query strings. Do a search 
for any junk and you'll see it..

Joseph Crawford |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>i know this isnt directed fully towards php but i have been developing
>sites for some time now and one of the parts i lack is the knowledge
>about search engines and spidering.
>Lately i have read a bit about the NYPHP site and something about
>search engine spidering.  I understand the basics such as basic meta
>tags but what i need to know is if there is an easy way without use
>apache's mod_rewrite to make a search engine index pages that have
>querystrings such as
>where each id shows a dynamic page filled with information about
>different products.
>now one would think that when it spiders your products.php page and it
>shows links to products it would follow them and then index the
>results as if it was an html document, however i have been told that
>pages like that are not indexed.
>If anyone can direct me to any books/online reading etc.. i would appreciate it.

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