[nycphp-talk] Deconstructing google maps

Rolan Yang rolan at
Tue Apr 5 22:50:29 EDT 2005

inforequest wrote:

> Rolan I find Google's map to be consitently "off" several hundred feet 
> or more. I don't understand your comment about conversion error, but 
> do you also see the display being off?
> -=john andrews
> _______________________________________________

It doesn't seem off that much to me. Where are you looking? What I meant 
by conversion error is that when determining Google's scheme for 
converting the tile coordinates to lat/lon, the 0,0 point came out to 
39.50N 98.35W decimal. The actual geograpic center of the Conterminous 
United States is 39°50'N 98°35'W *  which would actually be 39.83N 
98.58W decimal.

* as noted in


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