[nycphp-talk] 5 Admin/Maint Queries Regarding MySQL Server Logging

Hans Zaunere lists at
Fri Apr 15 13:57:39 EDT 2005

Hey Peter,

> With no logging config supplied at startup or in my.cnf will the file
> "mysqld.log" be MySQL server query log?

MySQL won't log by default so you'll need to specify that in my.cnf, etc.

> How often to flush/rotate query log(s)? Monthly, quarterly? Max file size?

It really depends on how much traffic the server gets.  Take a look at:

> With which version of MySQL is bin logging an option. Specifically, does
> 4.1.0-alpha offer bin logging?

Binary logging is available in that version, although that's an alpha release.  Go with 4.1.11 if you can.

> With which version of MySQL did bin logging get activated by default at
> install?

I don't believe it's ever activated by default - you'd need to specify it in my.cnf.  Also note that it only logs statements that change data - no read-only queries are logged, and it's used mostly for replication or auditing.

> Log names starting with "ib" "ib_" are InnoDB table log files?

Yeah - those are the internal logs for transactions in InnoDB


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