[nycphp-talk] aggregate views on serialized session data WAS: session size important?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Apr 21 17:36:53 EDT 2005

On 4/21/05, Dan Cech <dcech at> wrote:
> I did it by writing my own session handlers which take the $_SESSION
> array, serialize and (optionally) gzip it, then store the result in a
> table.  A big advantage of this method is that you can store other
> useful data in the session like the activity time, user_id, etc for
> generating 'who's online' type reports, session timeouts, or whatever
> else might come in handy.

Ooh ooh ooh!

*mitchy holds up hand

Then if you are storing whether someone is online or not in a
serialized array in a database, how can you get aggregate views?  "X
of XXX people online from NYC" and so on.

I am just not content with the most common approaches to this problem,
and would love to learn how others deal with it.

-- Mitch

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