[nycphp-talk] session size important?

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sat Apr 23 22:10:13 EDT 2005

> > I only asked because Hans had mentioned:
> >
> >> -- moving large amounts of data across the wire is expensive (from a
> >> network and resource perspective, not to mention possibly a bandwidth
> >> cost perspective)
> >
> >
> > I just thought here might be something else I didn't know about how it
> > works.
> >
> I think Hans mentioned this in contrast to sessions.

Well sessions can of course be implemented in several ways.  Obviously only a key can be sent back and forth to the browser, which is then used to lookup the complete session on the server (either by way of a database, filesystem, etc).  If there is more than 1 web server, though, storing things on the filesystem won't work.  So I've also seen people actually store the session data in a cookie which is then also passed back and forth.  I generally never think this is a good idea, and would rather move things to a database.


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