[nycphp-talk] meeting RSVP for dummies

Hans Zaunere lists at
Tue Apr 26 14:40:06 EDT 2005

> At the risk of appearing clueless.... I say, gee, did I forget to RSVP in
> time for tonight? So I go over to and check
> my status, and it says I have RSVPed but I have to "re-RSVP," so I do so,
> and it says something confirmatory that suggests everything is cool
> ("Thank You and don't forget to RSVP next month"). OTOH is also says
> flatly that you gotta RSVP by 3:00 pm 25-Apr, which I didn't -- or did I?

The 3:00pm bit is just to give the IBM folks some buffer time.  The only thing it enforces is if you RSVP before or after midnight tonight.

And by the way, RSVP is still open right now - if you want to come, RSVP within the next couple of hours.


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