[nycphp-talk] Re: Monitoring for Bounce Mail

John Nunez john at
Thu Apr 28 21:51:32 EDT 2005

What I need is to remove the bounced email addresses from my Mailing 
List. I send out a monthly newsletter and get back a lot of bounced 

On Apr 28, 2005, at 9:35 PM, Faber Fedor wrote:

> On 28/04/05 21:22 -0400, John Nunez wrote:
>> I manage a mailing list that started with just 64 names and it is now
>> at 10,000+ addresses.  In the past I have been manually removing 
>> emails
>> that bounce.
> Remove them how?  From the mail server queue?
>> I know that 550 is usually an error with the email
>> address but it there a format that I can use REGEX to get the email so
>> I can remove them?  My only other option would be to just remove any
>> matching email address.
> If you're removing emails from the queue, it woulddepend on what mail
> server you're running.   If you use Postfix, this little script might 
> do
> it for you:
> <----------------------------------< cut here >-------------------->
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> # Quick and dirty script to stop a mail flood from <sender>. - F^2
> # 2004-01-05
> #
> # usage: ./stop_mail_flood <sender>
> #
> if [ -z "$1" ]; then
>         echo -e  "\nusage: $0 <sender>\n"
>         exit
> fi
> service postfix stop
> postqueue -p| grep $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | grep -v $1 | sed -e 
> 's/*//'| awk \
> '{ print  "find /var/spool/postfix -name " $1 " -exec rm {} \\;"} '  | 
> sh
> service postfix start
> <----------------------------------< cut here >-------------------->
> Although using postsuper would be better as in the following script
> (which delete all emails in the queue; I really need o combine these 
> two
> someday):
> <----------------------------------< cut here >-------------------->
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "Clearing mail queue..."
> service postfix stop
> for qid in $(postqueue -p | egrep -v '(^  *|^$)' | awk '{print $1}' \
> | sed -e '1d' -e '/\*$/d' -e '/--/d')
> do
>         postsuper -d $qid
> done
> service postfix start
> <----------------------------------< cut here >-------------------->
> -- 
> Regards,
> Faber Fedor
> President
> Linux New Jersey, Inc.
> 908-320-0357
> 800-706-0701
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> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
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