[nycphp-talk] Re: Monitoring for Bounce Mail

John Nunez john at
Fri Apr 29 16:08:20 EDT 2005


Sorry for the confusion. My original email was requesting a REGEX for 
SMTP code 550 because I thought they all followed a specific format. 
550 is the usual SMTP Error code which is sent along with the bounced 
mail. This varies with each implementation and installation of MTA's. I 
know how to search a database and remove records plus I have a good 
REGEX for finding email addresses.  I was wondering if it followed a 
specific format (which is doesn't).  Jeff suggestion of the Return-Path 
works because every email sent to the Return-Path address would be 
bounced emails and not tech support questions. Jerry if you can find 
the script on determining Hard and Soft bounces that would be great.

Thanks to everyone for their assistance.


On Apr 28, 2005, at 11:27 PM, Faber Fedor wrote:

> On 28/04/05 22:41 -0400, John Nunez wrote:
>> Sorry, I just have a script that I wrote 2 years ago. It goes through 
>> a
>> database table
> We need to search through a database table!? Which one?  MySQL?  dbm?
> Postgres?  Excel?  a text file?  WHAT?!?!
>> of email addresses and transmits the newsletter to them.
>>  The only alteration I have made in the last two years is transmit in
>> batches. I don't use any software because some of the sign ups are via
>> email, http, user registrations via US Mail and the new one will be
>> straight from a desktop application.
> You are not giving us (read: me) *any* information to help you.
> Going back to your initial posting, how do you expect anyone to give 
> you
> a regex to search email addresses when you never told us that the data
> was in a database table (we still don't know what kind) for a script
> that you wrote two years ago that I doubt anyone here knows about?
> Are we supposed to read your mind?
> Start here and RTFA
> Once we know what you have and what you need, then maybe, MAYBE we can
> help out.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Faber Fedor
> President
> Linux New Jersey, Inc.
> 908-320-0357
> 800-706-0701
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> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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