[nycphp-talk] OT Eclipse

Reto M. Kiefer reto at
Mon Aug 1 05:16:41 EDT 2005

Hi Pat, (Sorry, the first answer was pm...)

 >> Phpeclipse.  Am curious -- what java development practices are you 
 >> to?

Maybe this is a result of my not perfect English, if so I am deeply
sorry. Basically I meant that Truestudio copies a lot of things of the
original JAVA IDE. For Example the Type hierarchy or the Open Type
function. Moreover the directories and the files are organized in the
PHP Explorer as Packages not as Folders etc.

Personally I like this style because some other languages I'm using
working the same way. And if you organize your projects in a PEAR
packages style it is a true advantage for me while developing...

I hope I could clarifiy my original intention.



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