[nycphp-talk] Apache look back functionality and PHP

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Aug 4 15:05:27 EDT 2005

I rely on Apache's lookback quite a bit and never have any trouble even 
across numerous hosts. Maybe take a close look at the script/parse 
instructions and your placement of the "?" in that query string. I think 
you need safe mode off for image magik, right?

Maybetry a lookback example using a basic test script, before debugging 
the image magik scripts?

-=john andrews

Mark Withington |nyphp dev/internal group 
use| wrote:

> I've been trying to use a PHP front-end script for Imagemagick as 
> described at (see 
> )  
> The script relies upon $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] and  Apache's look back 
> to find the front-end script (magick.php).  The idea of the magick.php 
> script is to accept Imagemagick commands embedded in a URL. 
> Abstract:
> "The script will enable us to give |convert| commands by changing the 
> query string. Maybe a simple example will better explain this idea. 
> You've got an image: ||. You copy 
> the ImageMagick script |magick.php| to the same directory. The image 
> is now also available as 
> ||. So far, your image 
> hasn't changed. Now, imagine you want a thumbnail of the image with a 
> width of exactly 200 pixels. You can get that image by requesting the 
> url: ||."
> For the life of me, I can't get Apache to look 
> back and find the magick.php script, rather it simply looks at image.jpg and assumes it's a subdirectory. 
> Has anyone had any experience with this script (a PHP front-end to 
> ImageMagick as described at or Apache's look 
> back functionality?
> --------------------------
> Mark L. Withington
> PLMresearch
> "eBusiness for the Midsize Enterprise"
> PO Box 1354
> Plymouth, MA  02362
> o: 800-310-3992 ext. 704
> f: 508-746-4973
> v: 508-746-2383
> m: 508-801-0181
> <>
> Netscape/AOL/MSN IM: PLMresearch
> mwithington at
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