[nycphp-talk] Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php

Steve Manes smanes at
Tue Aug 9 19:45:03 EDT 2005

Mark Withington wrote:
> Any Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php experts out there?  I'm trying to paste
> bitmaps into spreadsheet cells via insertBitmap.  The images appear without
> a hitch, I'm just not able to adjust the size of the cell (either via the
> insertBitmap parameters or setColumn/setRow).
> If anyone can point me to [better] documentation [than PEAR's], or has some
> words of wisdom they can share....

Documentation for Spreadsheet::Excel is sparse, I'm afraid, and the 
library is quirky enough that I wrote an API wrapper for it so I 
wouldn't have to remember all the gyrations I needed to use to generate 
a boilerplate report.  Unfortunately I can't share it because my client 
considers it a trade secret.

IIRC, setColumn() needs to be called to size the cells before any data 
is written to the worksheet, if that's any help.  I've only used images 
to brand spreadsheets with client logos, always at 0,0.  But I seem to 
remember that bitmaps tend to float over the spreadsheet anyway.  That 
is, they're not bound by cells.

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