[nycphp-talk] September Talk

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Tue Aug 16 17:19:44 EDT 2005

Peter Sawczynec |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>E.g.: kudos to MySQL for their most recent installer that clearly enjoins a
>password on root before deployment.
>Why are installs by default too insecure and users have to stumble onto the
>secure methods after the fact. Why not install locked down and let users
>stumble onto the loosening methods after the fact.
Because it is desired to have new users functional and appreciative of 
the system immediately, so they can see the good, and what 
differentiates the product from other options which are likely already 
professionally installed and configured on site.

I suspect the looseness of default security is proportional to the rate 
of adoption by new technology users. Loose defaults = more initial 
adoption, strict defaults = more dropped users. I also suspect MySQL's 
imposing a default root pw has more to do with their lessened need to 
accommodate new users now that they are "established", than the call for 
increased default security. As many can attest, a strong root pw on a 
fresh install of MySQL does not a secure environment make.

-=john andrews

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