[nycphp-talk] MD5 + Flash

-sry Boston sryboston at
Sun Aug 21 14:23:30 EDT 2005


If you're over on WWWAC you've already seen this but I'm asking here
from another slant. I have no idea what I can or can't do withOUT
having to create/manage a mySQL server will let me do this
easily enough but it's been over a year since I've thought of PHP or
mySQL and I don't want to get so distracted by the programming
mindset that I forget what I was doing in the first place (trying to
do some marketing).

Below is the process I'm trying to implement - step 5 is where I'm
fuzzy...I know I could definitely have the URL come back to a
PHP page that looks up the string in a db (and a very simple one,
I'm sure, since it's just a list) but I'd rather just have the URL come
back to the Flash file and do the checking from within the .swf,
with ActionScript - is that easier or harder? Since you guys all love
PHP and probably only half of you even like AS, I know it's a biased
answer I'll get :-) but try to be objective and not play favorites
on the languages here.

What I want to do:

(1) user gives me email address

(2) with a PHP script (free from
and a very nice script actually!!) I MD5 their email address

(3) I send user a message (to validate the address works) that has
their MD5'd address as a link for them to come back and get what
they want

(4) user clicks unique query string in the email I've sent them

(4) I validate the string where is the ??? :)

(5) if valid, give them the Flash file; if not, give them an error message

Any help much appreciated!

Sarah R. Yoffa
books at
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