[nycphp-talk] Session Handling

Anirudh Zala (Gmail) arzala at
Tue Aug 23 00:39:24 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I have slightly different problem related to sessions when your session is idle for more than specified interval. In our case we are having high traffic website where hundreds of session are created every time.

I wanted to increase session's inactive time out from default 24 to 2 hours. So we increased value of below php directive in httpd.conf

php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 7200

But interestingly, this is not working at all and session is seen as garbage after it's default timeout period set by php (i.e 24 mins). We store session files at default location (i.e under "/tmp") and it supports "atime" attribute as well. phpinfo() also shows local value of above directive as set to 7200 but session doesn't remain active for that amount time and is deleted after 24 hours.

I have noticed on various forums that many ppl have faced this problem, and they do not have solution either. Does anyone have any ideas about this problem? Or am I missing some more configurations?

I am using LAMP technology to run my website and as far as I know everything is properly configured like php.ini and httpd.conf.


Anirudh Zala
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