[nycphp-talk] Newbie needs help - why PHP over ASP?

edward potter edwardpotter at
Wed Aug 24 00:09:53 EDT 2005

I take a more pragmatic approach.  
PHP 5  :  Wired . . . 

I think if you want to just get it done, you can do find no better
tool then PHP.  If you want to learn a new language, you can spend all
your time freed up by the PHP solution and explore Ruby, Python,
Swing, et al.

The ASP solutions (s) (in my limited experience) have about zero sex
appeal. However I'm sure if you put the time into it, you can build
some pretty good software using an all Windows based environment, if
that's your target.

I think Microsoft lucked out with the web.  But I don't see them
getting on to Web 2.0 any time soon. __ not in their corporate rule
book (at least not yet).

Just my 2 rupee's

-ed  :-)

On 8/23/05, jedicool <jedicool at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> A silly question perhaps but I'm fairly new to PHP and looking to do
> some work on a new MySQL driven website - I have been asked to provide
> reasons why PHP is a better option than ASP. I am not familiar with ASP
> so if anyone out there can trash it for me... I mean give good reasons
> why ASP should not be used for this application it would be really
> useful! I'm hoping to use this project to really push my PHP learning so
> I really don't want the owners of the site to go with ASP.
> :)
> Cheers,
> Jay
> South Australia
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